A fine bromance (reprise)
It's enough to make me quote Kenneth Williams: "What's the bloody point?" The reasons for Blogger taking down posts are becoming more draconian. I received notice that the one below was taken down. Why? I'll leave you to judge whether my own campy humour, a picture of Grum and a video for his latest single infringes anyone's copyright. If it's about offending sensibilities, then it all becomes a bit more Big Straight Brother, which is worrying...Hetero yet totally non-hetero, I love a good bromance. And this video from Grum for their new single Through the Night hits the spot. Granted, I'd rather see Ashley Judd and Ryan Reynolds a-huggin' an' a-fruggin' but these two mulleted cops are still pretty do-able. Check them out at 2:16.
Grum is a Scottish bloke called Graeme Shepherd who became the blogger's delight last year with his single Heartbeats. He'll soon pop up on a forthcoming Pet Shop Boys release with a remix of West End Girls, and no, I haven't heard it yet, but Chris Lowe has and he lurves it. So that's nice.
I love Grum because his vids are equally as much fun as his pop!
ugh, that's happened to me several times for absolutely no reason. no songs posted, maybe youtube embedded but if it's available for embedding it's fair game. Once i got an email saying they didn't want that artist marketed outside of sweden yet. Uh, well don't put him on the internet then you doofuses. Good grief. I still like Grum Grum Up The Bum though,
Blogger is a mystery with those take-downs "You guess why we took these down - we are not going to tell you. It's a secret."
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